Thursday 12 December 2013

Experimental film - Filming and editing

The members of our cast that
could make it
Unfortunately due to various reasons it was impossible for me and Chris to get our whole cast together on one day, this was fairly problematic for us as we had to be very careful with how we framed the shots because we couldn’t control the set and the passengers of the bus would look completely different on different days. It also meant we had to be careful in our positioning of the characters as we couldn’t show an empty seat or another passenger where we then later showed a character. We decided to make the best of the situation and shoot on the day that the most people could make it on, this limited the shots we could take on the other members of cast who couldn’t make it but the damage was limited this way. To compromise the limitation of what we could show on the other characters we tended to take extra care with the framing or we used more close ups, we also on a whim took a shot of one of the characters (the paranoid girl) where you could see that the bus is empty behind her we decided that we could use this shot to emphasise that she was paranoid.

I did most of the editing for this project, which although didn’t require any advance editing techniques it was time consuming and difficult. For the most part all I had to do was decide how long each photo would stay on screen for and which photos to use, this was relatively easy for the start of the film as photos could linger for a while and there was one character to deal with. As the film progressed and voices began overlapping it became increasingly difficult for me to pick out which photo best suited the dominate voice and which character’s photo should follow it.

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