Thursday 20 February 2014

Liverpool Production

Upon arriving in Liverpool we were a little apprehensive as we only had one solid meeting arranged and our entire idea hinged upon it. Luckily John Finigan and Steve Barton of the Liverpool Homeless Football Club were fully on board with our idea after hearing it in more detail from us by the end of the meeting we had a full schedule of interviews and appointments, we had also acquired permission to any online footage that they featured in as they held all rights to it.

During the actual filming process I was resigned to an assistant role as I was the group’s editor so I didn’t have a crucial role in this part of the project. When we were on location I helped to set up the equipment and set for the interviews, I tended to spend more time helping out the people who were working on sound as most of them weren’t well practised in that area. So for the most part I took a backseat in the production phase as there was little for me to do, one role I did find myself in multiple times while we were in Liverpool was as the group organiser because besides from Emily Spokes our Producer my group were a bit of a rabble at times and needed a forceful hand to get them to appointments on time.

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