During the actual filming process I was resigned to an
assistant role as I was the group’s editor so I didn’t have a crucial role in
this part of the project. When we were on location I helped to set up the
equipment and set for the interviews, I tended to spend more time helping out
the people who were working on sound as most of them weren’t well practised in
that area. So for the most part I took a backseat in the production phase as
there was little for me to do, one role I did find myself in multiple times
while we were in Liverpool was as the group organiser because besides from
Emily Spokes our Producer my group were a bit of a rabble at times and needed a
forceful hand to get them to appointments on time.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Liverpool Production
Upon arriving in Liverpool we were a little apprehensive as
we only had one solid meeting arranged and our entire idea hinged upon it.
Luckily John Finigan and Steve Barton of the Liverpool Homeless Football Club
were fully on board with our idea after hearing it in more detail from us by
the end of the meeting we had a full schedule of interviews and appointments,
we had also acquired permission to any online footage that they featured in as
they held all rights to it.
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Liverpool Documentary - Pre-production meetings
We have discussed the idea of our documentary to our tutor
and he agrees that this new idea is a much stronger idea to the ones we had
previously pitched and encouraged us to fully commit to this approach. We
discussed some ideas on the visual approach to this film and I believe one such
idea that we are strongly considering going with is to not initially bring up
the situation of the players in the club, instead we plan to reveal it later in
the film so the audience can see just how strong the positive impact this club
has on the players life as well as acting as a hook to get the audience’s
attention. In the lead up to the trip a seventh member was added to our group (Marcus) who has opted to help out in the sound department so he will mostly be working with Tyrese and Ryan.
After multiple talks with the chairman of the club we have
come to the mutual decision of spending the 17th getting to know the
players and staff in a meeting, before conducting interviews and getting
footage on the 18th and 19th. This was decided so that
both parties feel comfortable with each other before cameras are introduced,
this benefits us as if the players feel more comfortable with us it’ll make it
easier for them to talk about their stories on camera and overall the
documentary will be of better quality because of it.
Saturday, 8 February 2014
Quick look at Shelter
The above link is to a documentary that Victor showed the rest of us during one of our group meetings. The documentary involves several interviews with homeless people, rough sleepers, in Manchester, it has a fairly standard style to it unlike the other documentary I looked at previously yet the standard more polished style has its own merits which work well with this sort of documentary. The documentary features some pretty impressive cinematography it even has some tracking shots as they are shown where these people sleep It is a very powerful and emotional piece that tackles a similar issue to one of our ideas for our documentary. The close up face shots during the interviews with side shot cut aways really help to get across the emotions of this piece and helps focus the audience on what is being said rather than being distracted by the background. If we end up going with the homeless idea we are currently discussing, I’d like to emulate a similar style to this film I particularly like the use of name titles before each new interviewee is introduced to establish the character with the audience.
The above link is to a documentary that Victor showed the rest of us during one of our group meetings. The documentary involves several interviews with homeless people, rough sleepers, in Manchester, it has a fairly standard style to it unlike the other documentary I looked at previously yet the standard more polished style has its own merits which work well with this sort of documentary. The documentary features some pretty impressive cinematography it even has some tracking shots as they are shown where these people sleep It is a very powerful and emotional piece that tackles a similar issue to one of our ideas for our documentary. The close up face shots during the interviews with side shot cut aways really help to get across the emotions of this piece and helps focus the audience on what is being said rather than being distracted by the background. If we end up going with the homeless idea we are currently discussing, I’d like to emulate a similar style to this film I particularly like the use of name titles before each new interviewee is introduced to establish the character with the audience.
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