Thursday 8 May 2014


For the documentary project my group worked around the idea of a homeless football club that we had found in Liverpool, this was quite different to our initial plan to do a more experimental documentary instead we followed a more standard documentary style with a lot of single person interviews. We didn’t want to limit our audience in anyway as the point of film was to both raise awareness that such an amazing project was happening and to try and change the stereotype of homeless people, that said a younger audience may not grasp the full extent of what this project is about and for that reason I would say our target audience was anyone of adolescence or older. We tried to move away from having the film target simply male audiences due to it being football by including members of the women’s football club in the documentary.

I have mixed feelings about the finished project as a whole particularly because as the editor of the group I feel like I could have done better putting it together. The biggest problem I have with the project is at the start where it cuts straight to black several times, the initial plan for this was to have a montage of training footage which would fade to black after each shot and then quickly fade back in while a montage of voice was played over to intrigue the audience. I feel like this would have worked really well in gaining the audience’s attention but our director decided that he preferred the direct cut to black and was rather stubborn on the point the result is a confusing first couple of seconds where the audience aren’t sure if there is a problem with the video or if it is meant to be like that. I would say a positive for the film for a large part is the cinematography; there is some really good footage in the film that makes it pleasing visually. I also think the film is easy to follow while also intriguing to watch, we made the decision to hold off revealing it was a homeless football club until about half way through the film this means that the audience’s opinion of the players won’t be tarnished by their ideas of a stereotypical homeless person instead they hear what the players have managed to accomplish and then realise that they have accomplished that while also being homeless.

The idea for this documentary came about fairly later into the project’s planning stage and so we didn’t have much time to get everything organised as much as we would have liked, thankfully we had a strong producer who managed to save what she could of our planning stage but despite this I still feel like this was something that impacted on the finished project as some members of the group weren’t fully sure what sort of footage they should be getting. That said this didn’t impact so much on or organisation while we were on location in Liverpool as thankfully the football clubs staff were very supportive of our idea and really helped us make the most of our time there. Due to this slight confusion I as the group’s editor had a lot of pointless footage to trawl through when it came to the editing stage. This then combined with the major problem our project faced which was our footage had to be continuously rendered in the editing software, which even the technicians couldn’t fix, although this didn’t impact on my editing skills much it did add a great length of time to the editing process which meant we had little time to make changes. Another problem we faced is that our initial sound editor was unable to work on the project during the time when the editing process began this was due to family reasons that we had been aware of at the start of the project, thankfully we had another sound design member in our group that stepped in and saved the sound for our project.

From this project I’ve learnt now more than ever the importance of planning especially if I’m filming on location, there were a lot of moments where we got lucky for some reason or another which I feel could have been avoided if we had organised things more in advance. A specific skill I’ve learnt this project is that of colour correcting in Final Cut Pro, this was something I had never really done for and I now feel like I have a fairly good handle on it which will allow me to improve my skills in this area further in the future. I also discovered that I am fairly good at lip syncing audio which is another skill I feel will come in handy in the future.

In terms of my team for this project, it is probably a team I’m not likely to work with again. There was no problem with people not contributing as everyone felt strongly about the idea and contributed as much as they could. As I mentioned before there were problems with organisation that made such a time restricted project more stressful than it should have been, the producer and I really struggled to get the rest of the group to the right locations at times and we also faced problems of equipment not being charged or the cameras’ memory cards being full while we were on location. In all I feel that communication was a large problem for everyone in my group including myself as most people seemed to have different ideas as to what the finished project we going to look like and the meanings it would convey. I am already aware that my communication skills are one of the weakest areas in my teamwork skills and I aim to improve this for my next project.

For my drama project the idea we wanted to create was something akin to a classic 1950’s noir film, I say akin because one of our main influences was ‘Sin City’. The film will follow Johnny a down on his luck private investigator, Johnny is hired by Rita to follow her husband and discover if he is cheating unfortunately Johnny becomes obsessed with Rita. This results in the death of Rita’s husband and the death of either Rita or Johnny though we left the ending ambiguous with the screen going black followed by the sound of a gunshot. Hopefully our audience find the film as suspenseful and entertaining as we hoped it is, if we’ve done our job right the audience will also see how Rita’s character goes from a nervous stereotypical woman to a colder more in control woman that are commonly found in noir films. Our main idea was to show Rita rise in power by the end to become that woman, while in contrast the audience see Johnny slowly lose control and become more unstable. I would like to say due to its style and genre the film would appeal to older audiences but I feel that the use of younger actors may limit our audience to a teenager to young adult audience.

I’m really proud of the finished work as a whole, I feel like the black and white noir style we went for really creates the idea of a dystopian world that is common theme within the noir genre while the splash of red through the ‘Sin City’ effect highlights the theme of desire that we used as Johnny’s motive. There are a few continuity errors in the film that we have tried to hide due to mistakes made while filming but those are just minor flaws. One thing I have begun to question is whether or not it was wise to show that both characters have guns at the end of the film as I feel that this takes away from the shock of the gun shot at the end. I’m also wondering if we made the right choice with the actors, I’m not complaining about the actors as like Amy said they were perfect for the role but I’ve begun to think that maybe if we’d had older actors it would have given the film a grittier feel that would fit with the noir genre. That said the voice over was without question the right way to go in my opinion our actor Matt nailed the voice that we wanted which adds age to his character, it also gives an insight into Johnny’s character as the audience only really hear his thoughts and not what he says during the actual events.

As the sound recordist my main role in this project was to record the voice over but I also made sure to record any improvised dialogue that the actors did while we were filming and I record on set sounds like footsteps and general movement. This is because we felt the film would be kind of unnerving if there were no sounds to match the characters movements and actions. I also acted as an extra in our restaurant scene so that it didn’t look staged. The end result in my opinion fits pretty well with how I visualised it would look although I would have preferred to have found an actual office space for the office scenes. The set for the office scenes was the biggest problem we faced as despite all our searching we couldn’t find one available to use so as a result we used Chris’ flat and got creative with the lighting. This meant we had to abandon some ideas we had for the set design which was unfortunate but not disastrous.

This project has really taught me the value of good lighting on a set, much of our time and effort on this project was spent trying to get the lighting right in the office scenes but I believe the end results really show the worth of this. I had been unsure of lighting at the start of this project but I feel like I’ve got a much better understanding of it now and more knowledge on how to better set up lights. This is also the first project I’ve worked on that is set in a different time period and I now realise the amount of work involved in such projects, we had some difficulty sorting our props and set designs as we had to remove anything that wouldn’t fit in the era which also meant we had very limited props to use. We were fairly lucky with the actors having the right sort of costumes already for the era the film was set in but in future I’ll be aware of how much planning I will have to undergo in order to do a film set in a specific time.

Although we picked a particularly difficult project to undertake I do believe that I had a strong team to attempt this with. We were all very passionate about this idea from the first meeting and everyone has had a large contribution in getting the project to fit our vision. Compared to the documentary project communication between group members has been really strong this time and we have had many meetings to discuss ideas and problems. A problem with my team work skills would be at first I wasn’t very confident and suggesting my own ideas but as I continued working with the group I quickly grew more confident at suggesting my own ideas for the project. I’m already aware that my confidence can be a bit of issue when it comes to communicating with my groups but I am working on this by making sure I communicate more in the first meeting of each project I’m in so that I get used to the idea of communicating quicker. My strength in terms of team work is that as my role was a large part for this project I was always helping others with their roles and helping getting the set ready.

Monday 5 May 2014


My role for this production finished when we finished filming and as such I haven’t really been a part of the post-production. That said I have checked in occasionally to see how the project is progressing and to make sure that they don’t need any help. I know Beth is having a bit of trouble with some of the clips after she’s turned them black and white, there have also been a few problems with the ‘Sin City’ effect as for some reason the walls of the diner have patches of grey on them when this effect is applied. I know she is working as hard as she can to try and remedy these problems before the deadline and I have suggested that if shove comes to push we could just make the diner scenes completely black and white.
One of the problems our Editor is Facing

One of the shots that has come out well
Despite the problems the overall structure and look of the film is looking really good, Beth and Ellie have done a remarkable job getting everything together ready for our deadline.

Monday 14 April 2014

Second Day of Filming

The second day of filming has gone as smoothly as the first day of filming, there was a slight change of plan as the manager of the diner asked if we could move everything forward one hour but this didn’t massively affect our film. There was also a slight change of roles this time as I had to play an extra in the film Beth had to take over with the sound recording as obviously I couldn’t record and be in shot at the same time. Overall I’m happy with how the filming has gone.

My role did return to normal on the second half of the shoot though as we moved on to record the staircase scene and the voice over, it was only during the voice over that we realised there was some static coming through on the recording. We are hoping that this doesn’t affect the film too much as it has gone undetected until now and if it is only for the voice over we may be able to solve it in post-production.

Friday 11 April 2014

First Day Filming & Gathering Sounds

Our first day of filming has gone incredibly well, although we had a fair few worries when we realised we didn’t have nearly as much space as we thought we did we worked around that as much as we could. Our actors really did suit the characters as much as Amy had said they did, I’m looking forward to see how it looks after Post-production. Although we weren’t recording the voice over this time, I did make sure to record most scenes so that we sync sounds just in case Ellie wanted to play around with them a bit. We all chipped in together when it came to setting up the set and thanks to the organisation of our producer we all knew what jobs we had to do and the time limit we had to do them in, my group were highly organised during this filming session and once again I am proud to be a part of this group.

Ellie’s gone over the sound recordings I got during the shoot and has highlighted what sounds we still need to get, we have discussed which sounds we can get outside of the shoot and which ones we could probably create ourselves.

Myself, Chris and Ellie have been out recording the sounds we could get outside of Sundays filming; these sounds included things such as street and restaurant atmos sounds and the sound of a door opening.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Last Meeting

The first day of filming is quickly approaching and we still don’t have an office set ready, despite all our best efforts we have been unable to acquire one. As a result we have decided to film in Chris’ flat hopefully with some clever camera and lighting placement we can disguise it as an office space. We have had one final meeting where we have finalised some details and finished up some last pre-production details such as going over the developed storyboards and writing up a sound list for what sounds we need for each shot. We’ve also gone over the floor plans Chris drew up and so we were all clear where everything was meant to be.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Gathering Props

We all spent the weekend gathering the finishing touches needed for our production, this included gathering different props that we still hadn’t acquired for the shoot. We also continued to search for an office space to film in, as we were told the studio wouldn’t work for what we wanted. Alongside the missing office set we also encountered some bad news of our lead actor may not be able to film on the days we had scheduled anymore, there are two possible alternative dates which may work for him that he is checking at the minute. On the bright side we have received news that we have equipment for filming on the 13th.

Friday 28 March 2014


With a location and script in mind we met up again to start work on the storyboards, we decided the best way to do these would be for us to split up into pairs and work on different scenes and then Chris and Kirean to go over them again at a later date and polish them up. During this meeting we also sent a list of equipment to Debbie as she said she would try to get us permission to have equipment over the Easter holiday

Wednesday 26 March 2014

More Post-Production

After having our script read by some actors in our seminar I feel even more confident about how this film is going to turn out, they had some minor criticism that sounds like it could really help us especially Chris who had mentioned to me that he was starting to become unsure about what he was meant to be doing as a director and how best to go about it. After the session he did seem to be rejuvenated which I am glad about as we will need a good director if we are going to pull off this idea.

With the criticism still fresh in our minds some of made our way to the library computers to make the changes that the actors had suggested and just neaten up the script a little in general. With a complete script in our minds me, Amy and Chris made our way to ‘Uncle Sam’s Diner’ which Chris had assured us was a perfect location for our bar scene. We had no trouble acquire permission to film there and even arranged to arrive in the morning before the diner opened so that we wouldn’t have to worry about other customers getting in our way. Since we had permission we took a few photos of the location so that we could show the others what sort of area we were working with, I think it really helped us to see this location before we started filming as it gave us an idea as to how much room we had to manoeuvre the actors and equipment at the location.

This is a picture of the Diner we plan to use, Amy is representing where
Rita and her husband will sit and I am representing where Johnny will be sat.
t was after we had organised all of this that we received the devastating news that we wouldn’t be able to get equipment out over Easter and our filming date of the 13th fell just after the deadline for equipment to be returned. Hearing this new myself, Amy and Chris headed back to the uni to see if we could get hold of someone who could help us solve this problem. Unfortunately at this point we haven’t got a clear solution to the problem.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Writing the Script

Writing the initial script did cause us a little problem as we were all so focused on trying to make it sound like it belonged to the right era that we were making very little progress. Though this did make progress slow I do think it was a blessing in disguise as the effort we went into to make the dialogue fit our era on the first run through saved us having to go back and re-edit the whole thing once it was done. I don’t doubt that we will do some editing in the future but for the moment the first draft is complete and we are going to see what some actors feel about it in the seminar on Tuesday. Even if this is the first draft of our script I can’t help but feeling proud at how some of the dialogue sounds, I do believe that we have nailed the noir feel in a fair a few parts of the script.
With the first draft of our script complete we have begun discussing the other elements that we will require for this drama such as the costumes, locations and most importantly actors. Amy is sure she knows just the right actors for the parts and Chris has an idea for where our restaurant scene is going to take place we just need to go and ask permission. So the main problems we are looking at now are finding some sort of office space, which is crucial as this is a main setting for the drama, and sorting out the costumes but we have agreed to see what the actors have costume wise before we begin that search.
Matt - Johnny
Zoey - Rita

Back to the actual script writing there has been some questions raised about whether or not we are going for the right ending for our drama, I’m a little worried these questions may divide our group a bit and I hope we can solve this in a later meeting when all members of the group are present.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Character Development

Rita Hayes
Age: 26

Similar height to Johnny, mousy brown hair, thick dark black eye liner, red lipstick.

Beautifully uneasy

Fur coat, red evening gown, red heels, possible white dress also.

Hollywood curls

What do you know about her that she does not yet know?

Her boyfriend's going to be murdered, she's going to be stalked/followed. She will embody the vision of a femme fatale and overcome the higher power and kill to get there.

What would she never admit?

She doesn't live or have the picture perfect life.

If she could change her identity, who would she be?
Marilyn Monroe- Utopian lifestyle. 

In who does she have the greatest faith?

Her parents, more so her father.

Favourite article of clothing?

Red shoes.

Does this character have a vice?
Naivety in belief of her social class. 

What is her secret wish?

To have stronger female rights.

What is this character's proudest achievement?

Winning Prom Queen at her Senior Prom.

Most embarrassing moment?

She mistakenly married Johnny at a very young age, she realised her mistake too late when he turned up to the wedding drunk.

What is this character's deepest regret?

Marrying too early and being stuck in a loveless marriage.  

Johnny Ritchie 

Age: 27
Johnny struggles with alcohol, he needs it to escape his dystopian lifestyle. Johnny has control issues, sometimes he lashes out in an attempt to gain immediate control of a situation.

What do you know about this character now that s/he doesn’t yet know?
Johnny’s drastic actions are going to get him killed.

What is this character’s greatest flaw?
Johnny has an uncontrollable desire for purity and utopia. The desire causes him to have an obscure perception of the consequences of his actions.

What do you know about this character that s/he would never admit?
Johnny would never admit that he couldn’t see situations clearly.

What is this character’s greatest asset?
His loyalty to someone or something he cares for, whether it is a cause, person or object

If this character could choose a different identity, who would s/he be?
If Johnny had the opportunity to change his identity he would become the poster boy for the US Army, instead of fighting on the frontlines away from home, he could have been caring for his mother who passed away whilst he fought overseas. Furthermore, he could have been enjoying the glitz and glamour of being a well-decorated and well-respected military spokesperson.

What music does this character sing to when no one else is around?
Love Letters – Perry Como, My Heart Is Taking lessons – Bing Crosby, Mona Lisa – Nat King Cole, Cry –Johnny Ray, A Woman In Love – Frankie Laine, Song of Songs – Perry Como, Night and Day – Dick Haymes, You Made Me Love You – Al Jolson, Unforgettable – Nat King Cole, On A Slow Boat To China – Dean Martin, T’ain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do – Fats Waller, Jeepers Creepers – Louis Armstrong, Broadway – Count Basie, I’m Confessin’ – Perry Como, Jealousy – Frankie Lane, My Old Flame – Charlie Parker.

In what or whom does this character have the greatest faith?
Johnny has set his faith in one woman now, a woman he believes will be his true love and he is searching for her because he believes she will set him free of all his guilt.

What is this character’s favourite movie?
The Red Shoes (1948)

Does this character have a favourite article of clothing? Favourite shoes?
His trouser braces.

Does this character have a vice? Name it.
Johnny’s vice is his heavy drinking. He drinks to escape his dystopian life.

Name this character’s favourite person (living or dead).
Johnny’s favourite person is his mother, Angela Ritchie. She died whilst Johnny was fighting in the war and this broke his heart.

What is this character’s secret wish?
To be loved, loved unconditionally and appreciated. 

What is this character’s proudest achievement?
Johnny performed a heroic action whilst fighting the Japanese that result in him saving his squad and earning a medal of the highest honour.

Describe this character’s most embarrassing moment.
Johnny had a crush as an adolescent who broke his heart. She led him on and invited him to a party but then kissed another boy in front of him and all his friends. He felt exposed and embarrassed and had issues trusting girls for a long time.

What is this character’s deepest regret?
Johnny’s deepest regret is fixing his trust issues with girls. If he had done he may have been able to avoid the lifestyle he has now.

What is this character’s greatest fear?
Johnny’s greatest fear is dying without having the pleasure of loving another person the way he loved his mother.

Describe this character’s most devastating moment.
The day he received mail telling him his mother had died.

What is this character’s greatest hope?
Johnny’s greatest hope is to escape his dystopian life by finding the woman of his dreams and running away with her.

Does this character have an obsession? Name it.
Johnny has an obsession with the colour red.

What is this character’s greatest disappointment?
Not finding the right road in life.

What is this character’s worst nightmare?
He is living it.

Whom does this character most wish to please? Why?
He wishes to please the memory of his mother.

Describe this character’s mother.
Angela Ritchie was a kind and loving woman.

Describe this character’s father.
Felix left his mother when he was born and he never knew him.

If s/he had to choose, with whom would this character prefer to live?
The woman of his dreams.

Where does this character fall in birth order? What effect does this have?
Only child.

Describe this character’s siblings or other close relatives.
His mother was the closest person to him. He had no other siblings; his Aunt Marie would visit every now and then. Aunt Marie was Angela’s older sister.

Describe this character’s bedroom. Include three cherished items.
Medals – Honour, Value, Respect. Notepad – Contains deepest thoughts. Camera – Producing images of people and places that interest him whether it be for a case or for personal reasons.

What is this character’s birth date? How does this character manifest traits of his/her astrological sign?
He was born in the winter, the coldest and toughest season to endure in Chicago.

If this character had to live in seclusion for six months, what six items would s/he bring?
Pen, Paper, Baseball,

Why is this character angry?
The person he loved the most died when he was fighting for his country and when he returned from the war, his country gave him nothing in return. He trusts no one and has no contact with his comrades

What calms this character?
Alcohol, but the effects don’t last long.

Describe a recurring dream or nightmare this character might have.
Dark memories from the war.

List the choices (not circumstances) that led this character to his/her current predicament.
His mother was living in fear during the war, Jewish? Why did he go to war?

List the circumstances over which this character has no control.
His desire for the perfect woman.

What wakes this character in the middle of the night?
Nightmares of the war.

How would a stranger describe this character?
Reserved, strange, mysterious, anti-social, boring, alcoholic.

What does this character resolve to do differently every morning?
Wakes up with the small hope today will be better than the day before, another day another chance to find the perfect candidate to run away with.

If this character knew s/he had exactly one month to live, what would s/he do?
Commit suicide, make a final statement.

How would a dear friend or relative describe this character?
A comrade from the war would describe him as brave, intelligent, deeply troubled. Before his mother dyed his was true to the cause an outstanding soldier. After her death he lost his grip on things and began taking risks and killed to feel something.