Tuesday 12 November 2013

Sound Project 2 - Recording atmos track

Me and my partner met up to begin recording sound for our project upon meeting we made several adjustments to our idea. Firstly we decided to move the project from a tram to a bus; this was partly due to the cost of having to take a tram whenever we needed new recordings. We also decided to partly script the voice overs that were going to appear in our project and record them at a later date. When we got to the bus station we got permission to record there, we recorded multiple sounds in the station ranging from the general noise inside the station to specific parts of the buses as they drove away. For these more specific sounds we used a shotgun mic to focus in on an area without the general buzz of our surroundings interfering.

Once we had gathered the sounds we needed we moved on to an actual bus, firstly asking the bus driver for permission to record. Once we were on the bus we set up the zoom on its own to record stereo sound at the back of the bus, I recorded multiple three minute tracks so that we had spares to edit with if there was a problem with any of them. We also set up the shotgun mic again to record specific areas in more details, such as the bus door opening and passengers getting on. With these tracks recorded we were pretty confident that we would be able to create a decent atmos track for our project.

When we were finished recording Chris asked if he could take the memory card from the zoom so he could listen through the clips at home and begin editing them. I saw no problem with this so I agreed; I later heard the mock up that he had made. It sounded pretty good and definitely gave the sense that you were in a bus station and getting on a bus.

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